We help businesses listen to employees, improve morale, and encourage them to stay. From departmental issues to organization-wide, we’ll help identify trends and areas of improvement.
StayRight® helps you better understand your employee’s current engagement levels, allowing you to focus your efforts more accurately.
Gone are the days of costly software installations, training and knowledge transfer issues to successfully run stay interviews at scale. With HSD Metrics, simply log in and view qualitative and quantitative data immediately. Turn “onboarding” time into analysis time.
Analysis can include following trends, drilling down by segments or reading verbatim results – ultimately what’s important is finding realistic action items and making changes. Whether changes mean re-visiting company culture or addressing a specific red-flag incident, our technology can bring that information to the forefront while you still have time to react.
Unethical and illegal activity alerts as soon as they happen.
Stay interviews from over 2 million employees make up our industry norms allowing you to have a benchmark comparison when analyzing your data.
Capture extensive quantitative data and verbatim commentary. We give you the raw data. No questions asked.
No expensive licensing, training, or long-term contracts to sign. Get your organizations exit interview strategy off the ground quickly.
Flexible response mechanisms generate higher response rates that result in greater data integrity.
Pricing is based upon respondent volume and method of notifications and completions. Don’t pay for what you don’t need.
Reacting to clients’ needs for accurate, rapid, cost-effective solutions, HSD Metrics continuously innovates its reporting features and technology.