Human resources professionals in hospitality know that finding quality employees is a constant battle, and retaining them is even harder. Wage standards in hotels, casinos and restaurants are increasing and industry competition is at an all-time high – wasting time, money and resources on hiring and rehiring isn’t an option.
With HR teams already spread thin, getting to the bottom of your retention problems may not be top of mind. Partnering with HSD Metrics, however, allows companies to get both a thorough look into their retention trends, and outsource the exit interviewing process. Leveraging more than 30 years of experience, we pair expert-designed surveys with technology to help our customers move toward higher-retention work cultures.
We listen to the changing needs of our education clients and adjust as needed. Our team works with you to adapt our proven products to your unique needs.
Reduce turnover with StayRight. This comprehensive stay interview solution utilizes a proven process to identify and address employee concerns before they become problems. StayRight leverages the power of stay interviews, a rising star in retention strategies, to keep your workforce happy and engaged.
Reacting to clients’ needs for accurate, rapid, cost-effective solutions, HSD Metrics continuously innovates its reporting features and technology.